Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Enemy of my Enemy

This is a message to my friends and the public in general.

I am a very conservative man. This has only become more true with the birth of my son. I grew up conservative, I discovered libertarianism and was eventually brainwashed in the school of Marxism at university. I have worn every hat there could be in the realm of political ideology but I have always come back to my conservative, liberty minded roots. I have realized with growing anxiety and frustration that; I must share the things that I know. They’re readily available to anybody who’s looking. That’s the problem though, nobody is looking. We’ve all picked our sides and hid in our corners waiting for the general election to be over so that we could get back on with our lives. If the point of American public education is to create an informed voter base, why are we all so eager to hide from that which is so important?

This is a message to Anti-Republican, Libertarian/Anarchists.

Your best chance at a Libertarian President was Ron Paul and the establishment stopped him. I campaigned for Ron Paul in the state of Nevada. I attended the local and state caucuses, taking time off from the three jobs I had at the time to fight for a candidate that had integrity, American values and Libertarian policies. I fought at the Nevada caucus in 2012 to get as many pro Ron Paul delegates as we could to the RNC and we did it.

In the end, it did us no good. Mitt Romney still received the presidential nomination – a conservative who in his private life was a pinnacle of virtue in the Mormon community, too scared of the political establishment and PC culture to show his real values, was incapable of giving the American people the values they so desperately needed to see for fear of political suicide.

The Republican party used these exact strategies against Donald Trump. They used every political maneuver available to them to keep him from the party nomination including wave after wave of establishment Republicans tossing their careers off a cliff like political lemmings to slander him after his nomination. He refused the keys of power offered up by the party leaders to keep his integrity and so they attack him for it. He finances his own campaign to make himself beholden to no-one but the American people and so they attack him for it. Big government and establishment rhetoric are the enemies, not Donald Trump.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

This is a message to Bernie Sanders’ supporters.

The reason Millennials and Generation X liked Bernie Sanders was because he spoke truth to power. He captured audiences because of his principals and his ideas – that people should be able to see a brighter future ahead of themselves. He saw that his democratic colleagues were not following through on their promises to the American people and he acknowledged the anger people felt as the result of shit rolling downhill.

While I fundamentally disagree with Bernie Sanders’s ideas about how to solve these issues we see in America today, I recognize his rebellious rhetoric and his understanding that investing in America is the only way to rebuild our great country – not wasting our time in foreign wars and destroying lobbying groups that have so allowed the United States senators to be bought and sold like commodities to the highest bidding commercial monstrosity.

Much like Ron Paul, however; Bernie’s campaign ultimately failed regardless of how mobilized his followers were. He was undermined by the collusion within the DNC to get Hillary Clinton the Nomination. This was made evident in the Podesta E-mails acquired by Wikileaks. These E-mails are horrifying evidence of corruption and deceit on a massive scale to blind the American public and remove the choice that they actually wanted. This was pinned on the shoulders of Debbie Wasserman Shultz, the then DNC chairwoman but the reality of Hillary’s involvement even on the campaign level should be enough to show the American public just how wicked this woman is. It is a complete and utter slap in the face of our democratic republic which we inherited from the blood of our ancestors. Bernie played his campaign legitimately but lost because Hillary had already bought the keys of power.

The enemy of my enemy is also my friend.

This is a message to CNN and the Mainstream Media.

The Podesta E-mails also showed us something we’ve known for a long time. The vast majority of you are shills for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party. You are protected under the First Amendment of these United States. Your responsibility is to truth. The nature of politics is that no one person can be an expert and continue with their everyday life. We trusted you to be a guiding force in our lives while we used our precious time to work, be with our loved ones, and make a slice of the American dream for ourselves.

You have lost that privilege.

Alternative media: Twitter, YouTube, Podcasts, and Blogs have surpassed you in impressions, scope, and reach. The people can look for sources they trust instead of being force-fed friendly faced, worm-tongs.
Wherein Glenn Thrush admits he’s a hack and pleads with HRC campaign for approval before it’s published:
The American people will never trust you again because, as what happens with competition, people have a choice now.

Hillary Clinton wants to remove that choice from you.
When people say that the media attacks Donald Trump; that the first debate was three vs. one. Now the Media is saying He is out to get them.
The American people show a record low 6% trust in the media - - while Gallup still puts it up closer to 30%, how could anyone take these accusations seriously? Podesta E-mails give us evidence of Media collusion with the Hillary campaign, Donald trump calls them out for their bias, yet somehow they think we’ll believe them when they try and play the victim?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

This is a message to the anti-war Left.

Where are you? Do you not see, before your eyes, the woman whose State Department destroyed the Libya then appeared on national television and laughed about it?
And to so clearly have her goals revealed: This is a woman who, along with her globalist allies within the European Union, created the instability that caused the refuge crisis that Europe is facing today.

I was with you in 2008 when Barrack Obama said he would bring our troops home. Yet, instead of following through on his anti-war platform he began indiscriminately using unmanned drones to bomb any gathering that intelligence showed had members in attendance with ties to al-Qaeda, slaughtering civilians, woman and children alike, with impunity; continuing to destabilize the region and; destroying any and all hope the people living there had of continuing on with a normal life.

Hillary Clinton wants war on a scale that we have only flirted with, in the history of the human race. Striving to control the air space over Aleppo will mean war with Russia. Not another cold war – a hot one. A war with two nuclear super powers where the stakes could mean the end of life on earth. She has already begun to pave the path to that war in the minds of the American people, claiming that Russia is behind the DNC email hacks with nothing but rhetoric to back up her claims.

All the while, Donald Trump believes we should be working together to defeat our common enemy, ISIS.

While Hillary Clinton received funding through the Clinton Foundation by the very people who fund ISIS: . This in light of the Clinton’s using their foundation for ‘Pay-to-play’ schemes: .
If you are against war and the growing global conflict that seems to grow ever closer each day, Hillary Clinton is your enemy. It doesn’t matter if you are a peace-loving hippy; a hardline Libertarian espousing the Non-Aggression Principle; a human rights activist; a Husband; a Wife; a Mother or a Father: don’t allow Hillary Clinton to let Aleppo be the place we fight over to destroy the world.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

To teachers and parents who continue to guide children in an effort to help them find a way to solve their conflicts with words and not violence. To conservatives who hide their opinions for fear of libel slander from social justice warriors calling you racist, sexist, homophobic, property destruction or even worse, physical assault due to your political beliefs; Hillary Clinton is your enemy.

Somehow, we have all arrived in an alternate reality where words have more weight than actions. Where once there was civil discourse now there is violence and it comes from Hillary Clinton’s supporters.
This is a savage beating of a homeless woman. Beaten up by thugs for defending Donald Trump’s Star on the walk of fame after it was vandalized in the night. The thugs then go on to tell her that, “if you’re spreading hate, you get hate.” Words transmit ideas, and it is violence with which they will try and stop us. Hate is shown by action, not by words. Violence is the simple solution when you know the argument cannot be won. Maim and demoralize your enemy and they can no longer bother you with their dissenting opinion.

Celebrities have no class either: – using ad homonym attacks, with no arguments. Celebrities continue to virtue signal that they are so much more intelligent than conservatives that they must immediately resort to the threat of violence to prove their point.

Project Veritas went undercover and found proof of DNC and Hillary Clinton collusion to destroy the moral of Trump supporters; ‘bird-dogging’ them into action or inciting violence themselves to create the illusion of a violent tendency within the Trump support base. .

Of course, a candidate cannot be held accountable for the actions of their followers. But they ought to be responsible for the party and campaign they lead. This massive outpouring of violence will only get worse as these anti-social behaviors prove again and again to have no consequences if done against conservatives. Enemies of violence must be enemies of Hillary Clinton.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Finally, the FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s E-mail scandal. Where thousands of highly classified E-mails were mishandled and threatened national security. FBI Director James Comey initially did not pursue charges against the former Secretary of State. If you’re unfamiliar with the story you can find a work up of it here:
This is a person who has massively mishandled information and then has the audacity to blame the Russians as hackers?

Why didn't they pursue the charges initially? It has something to do with President Obama knowing about her breach in security protocol and doing nothing about it.

But an open FBI investigation didn’t stop her from running for President, it certainly won’t stop her from winning it either. With less than two weeks left until the general election nothing short of keeping her from office will make these charges stick.

Donald Trump is the enemy of my enemy. He has charged into this political race uphill onto a fortified position with no support from his party or the media, only the people – his future consistence. His criticisms of America’s foreign police over the last twenty years give me hope that he truly is an anti-war candidate. The reports of his business failings are greatly overshadowed by the action and accountability of his success. He has financed his own campaign, building no coalitions, leaving him responsible to only one group of people – the American people.

Make no mistake, if on November 8th, your vote is cast for Hillary Clinton you are voting for War. You are voting for violence in the streets. You are voting for a world government where we have no hope of self-governance. You are voting for a 65% estate tax that will destroy the transfer of anything you may have built for your family after you die. You are voting your great grand children’s future productivity away, as we have already spent the money they will someday earn and added it to our national debt.

I pray that the U.K. has shown us the way. That, even under blinding pressure from the media, celebrities, and politicians that BREXIT was racist, it won out and that UK citizens will no longer be a part of the EU. The media today still calls for another Referendum because they can’t imagine after all their hard work trying to brainwash the people they are supposed to serve; they would vote against their corporate media masters. The United States must take their lead and take itself away from the globalist agenda where it can finally make itself great again.

For your family, for your children, for yourselves: Vote Donald Trump.